They Call Me Nyai Ontosoroh
Faiza Mardzoeki’s adaptation of Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Bumi Manusia (This Earth of Mankind), staged at Amsterdam’s Tropen Theater last month, shed the spotlight on a situation many tend to forget, which is as relevant today as in previous centuries. Unlike the original version where Minke, the Javanese student educated at the exclusive Dutch-language school and […]
‘Nyai Ontosoroh’ to be staged in Jakarta
Kurniawan Hari, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta After being performed in eight cities in Java, Kalimantan and Sumatra, a play titled Nyai Ontosoroh will be staged for Jakartans at the Taman Ismail Marzuki arts center in Central Jakarta on Aug. 12-14. Written by scriptwriter/producer Faiza Mardzoeki, Nyai Ontosoroh is an adaptation of Bumi Manusia (This Earth […]